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Course Sets for your English Goals

Buy 2 courses and get 3rd one for free

Cost starting from 196 $

LinguaTrip course sets are a collection of materials essential for taking your English to the next level. In each set, you'll receive a course to consolidate your knowledge, a course to advance to the next level, and an additional bonus course. Get the full package and achieve your language goals at half the price!

What you'll get…

Eye on the prize!

Each set is tailored to specific needs and outcomes. The courses are compiled in convenient combinations and contain only useful information.

It’s a good deal!

Learn for less! Purchase 2 of our iconic courses and receive the third one for FREE! Save both energy and money when you get a set based on your goals..

Fast and effective

A thoughtfully curated program will allow you to achieve results as quickly as possible. Learn new things, eliminate mistakes, and improve your English level!


Study in a comfortable environment: anytime, anywhere. All you need is internet access and a desire to learn.

Check out our most popular programs included in Course Sets:

From Elementary to Intermediate

Build a solid foundation in English! You won’t have to learn everything over and over again.

From Intermediate to Advanced

Grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in an easy-to-follow format that will take you right to Advanced.

From Advanced to Proficiency

Advanced English for international relations, working abroad and everyday life.


American pronunciation in just 4 weeks! Reduce your accent and feel more confident when speaking.

Advanced Set

The nearest start date is March 13

This option is suitable for:

  • Those who are already learning English and want to reach a confident intermediate level.

  • Those who are struggling to overcome the language barrier and haven’t made much progress in a while.

  • Learn English easily every day and actually enjoy it.

Expert Set

The nearest start date is March 7

This option is suitable for:

  • Those who want to take a significant leap towards achieving fluency in the language, including preparing for international exams.

  • Those who work in foreign companies and want to communicate with colleagues abroad.

  • Those who want to stop experiencing language difficulties that hold them back and want to start living, speaking, and thinking in English.

The sets include the BASIC package for each course. If you want to purchase the Standard or Pro packages, please email us at after payment, and we will upgrade it with the discount applied.


Advanced Set


285196 $



Expert Set


294205 $




Elizabeth Korobeinikova

Course «From Elementary to Intermediate»

Intensive courses seriously helped me in learning English. First of all, I would like to say a big thanks to LinguaTrip for organizing everything and to Venya for the excellent presentation of information. I liked everything! The classes were so informative and interesting. Homework helped consolidate information, and I liked the tests and speaking tasks very much. I highly recommend enrolling in at least one intensive course. You will understand everything by yourself. For me, this is not the last intensive workshop because it is the best way to learn English I’ve seen so far. I highly recommend enrolling in at least one intensive workshop, and you will understand everything by yourself. Personally for me, this is not the last intensive workshop, for now it is the best way to learn English.

Juliana Glukhova

Course «From Elementary to Intermediate»

When I receive a notification that there is a new video on Marina’s YouTube channel, I go to watch it straight away. I enjoy learning English with Marina’s videos, as there is always something to note down and then to use in practice when communicating with people from other countries. Lessons with tips and tricks from Marina help me boost my pronunciation. I actually do go to the mirror and practice until I manage to make the right sounds. This leads to an understanding of language and not simply memorizing words and phrases. I’ve even started to think in English! Videos are always well-structured: there is an introduction, key points, and examples. I like this approach. Marina includes only the important bits and no filler.

Valeria Makova

Course «From Intermediate to Advanced in 7 weeks»


The Greatest! The marathon challenge “From intermediate to advanced” is a great way to improve your English! It is really helpful! It gets you (a little bit) out of your comfort zone and you start communicating with people who are total strangers to you but you have the same goal! When you participate in the challenge and don’t just watch lectures but get points, it really pushes you to do the best!


Course «From Intermediate to Advanced in 7 weeks»


That was amazing experience! That was amazing experience! I've improved my grammar, vocabulary and writing, found opportunities to practice speaking, built a habit to learn English every day! Moreover, teachers and curators are very friendly and provide participants with all necessary information to get advanced level. I absolutely recommend marathon "From Intermediate to Advanced" to everyone who wants to make English your tool to achieve goals)



The course is amazing. I loved absolutely everything. This course has helped me a lot even though I had had a good pronunciation before this course, I still decided to buy it. I highly recommend you to buy this course if you don’t have a good pronunciation. After this course, you’ll have it) The course is incredible🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️

Olesya Mirzoeva

Course «From Advanced to Proficiency»

This course is my first purchase from the platform LinguaTrip. I am absolutely content with it. I acknowledge that sometimes some grammar structures are neglected; however, due to this course I have a deep insight when and how to use them in conversations. Now, I feel that it’s not rocket science. Also, the program allows you to build up massive vocabulary on specific topics and be more confident. I was thrilled that I could constantly get feedback from Anastasia with clear clarification of my mistakes that helped to stay on the right track, and worked on weaknesses. Doing homework made this course rather beneficial, as I could practice a lot and absorb new material. So, if you are a bold and enthusiastic person, this course will definitely lay the foundation for your unrivalled opportunities.

Reserve your spot

Cost starting

from $196

How to participate:

  1. 1Choose the package you like
  2. 2Fill in the form on the right
  3. 3Make a payment
  4. 4Get access to the course via email



If you have any questions, email us at

We reply from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m Moscow time only on weekdays

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