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    Essential Word Families for IELTS

    Top essential words to help you rock the IELTS exam!



    In this guide, we have gathered all the most important words for successfully passing the IELTS exam.

    What's Inside?

    Over 130 word families, grouped alphabetically and by parts of speech

    Words are provided in context with relevant and clear examples

    Who is the guide for?

    • People who want to confirm their English proficiency level.

    • Prospective students applying to British, American, and other universities that require IELTS.

    • Interns and job candidates looking for work at international companies.

    • Individuals aiming to advance in their career and reach their goals.


    Guide: "Essential Word Families for IELTS"

    • An electronic guide - a collection of the most essential words for passing the IELTS


    4.99 $

    Buy now



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    How to buy:

    1. 1Fill out the form on the right
    2. 2Make a payment
    3. 3The guide is sent directly to your email
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