Чтобы сдать устную часть в TOEFL на высший балл,надо очень много практиковаться. Иногда сложно заставить себя заниматься каждый день. Но когда до экзамена осталось 30 дней, нельзя терять ни минуты! Быстрее принимайся за наш Speaking Challenge для части TOEFL Independent Speaking Question.

Что надо сделать перед челленждем

  1. Изучи формат раздела Speaking и критерии оценивания. 

На официальном сайте прочитай о том, что тебя ждёт в разделе Говорение и сколько времени выделено на подготовку и ответ. Посмотри видео Speaking Q1 Independent о критериях оценивания. Один из критериев — delivery – качество речи: произношение, интонация, скорость речи, поэтому запишись на онлайн-марафон с Веней Паком «Произношение 2021».

  1. Изучи шаблоны для Independent Speaking. 

Шаблоны фраз — незаменимая вещь для всех, кто готовиться к экзамену. Они помогут структурировать и логично выстроить ответ. Выучив их заранее, ты доведёшь речь до автоматизма и сэкономишь время на составление ответа во время экзамена.

Скачай шаблоны под видео:

  1. Послушай Sample answers.

Прочитай вопрос и подумай, как бы ты ответил:

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons using specific details in your argument. Teachers should assign daily homework to students.

Посмотри образец в видео и подумай, как ты можешь улучшить свой ответ: 

Speaking challenge для TOEFL Independent Speaking

Каждый день бери по одному вопросу из списка ниже. У тебя есть 15 секунд на подготовку и 45 секунд на ответ. Все свои ответы записывай на диктофон, чтобы научиться умещать их в соответствующие временные рамки. Затем прослушай свой ответ и проанализируй: отметь ошибки, замени более простые слова на сложные, перефразируй и примени более сложную грамматику. Ты можешь transcribe the recording, чтобы было легче отмечать ошибки и фразы, которые надо улучшить.

N.B. Веди записи своих лексических и грамматических ошибок, а также полезной для каждой темы лексики или полезные грамматические конструкции. Перед экзаменом эти записи помогут освежить в памяти самые важные моменты.

Список вопросов:

  1. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons using specific details in your argument. Teachers should assign daily homework to students.
  2. In the modern world, we have many different options when we go shopping. Do you prefer to shop at a store that has a lot of different kinds of products, or one that focuses on a single type of product? Include details and examples to support your explanation.
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is less important now for schools to teach young people to do math in their heads because of the availability of new technology that can do it for them. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to allow children to use computers and other electronic devices as early as possible. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  5. Some people like to attend a live performance or live sporting event, while others prefer to stay at home and watch it on TV or other electronic devices. Which do you prefer? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  6. You are required by your school to join a club. Which type of club would you choose? a) academic b) sports c) volunteer.
  7. Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  8. Some companies have rules that forbid employees from using personal cell phones during working hours. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  9. Some professors allow students who have not done well on graded assignments to do additional tasks to improve their overall course grade. Do you think this is a good idea? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  10. Some people like to throw away old things such as old books and old newspapers, while others like to keep these old things. Which do you prefer? Why? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should help their parents with household chores as soon as they are old enough. Use details and examples in your response.
  12. Some people enjoy taking risks and trying new things. Others are not adventurous; they are cautious and prefer to avoid danger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.
  13. Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?
  14. Do you prefer to be taught by experienced teachers or new teachers? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  15. Some companies are controversial and criticized for their business practices. Do you think it is acceptable for people to take jobs at such companies, even if the jobs pay well? Explain why or why not. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  16. Do you think students should take a one-year break before they attend university? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  17. Should children have their own mobile phones? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  18. Your university has a limited financial budget and plans to reduce expenses. Some students think that the school should cut expenses by canceling the sports club (such as the ski club). Others think it’s better to cancel the academic clubs(such as the math club). Which one do you agree with? Please include specific details and examples in your answer.
  19. To complete your course requirements, you must register for a science course next semester. Two courses that have different requirements fit into your schedule. Students are graded on their performance on a few exams given during the semester in the first course. In the second course, students are graded entirely on the quality of monthly projects. Would you choose to take the first science course or the second science course? Explain why?
  20. Some people prefer to do several tasks or together at the same time. Others prefer to work on one task or project at a time. Which way of working do you prefer and why? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  21. Some people prefer to take a vacation in cities. Others prefer to spend their vacation in the countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
  22. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is important to know the history of the city that you live in? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  23. Imagine that someone has donated land to your community. Some people in the community want to use the land to create a garden where they can grow food or flowers. Others want the land to be used for a children’s playground. Which do you think is better? Explain why. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  24. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Instead of requiring (elementary school) students to do experiments themselves, schools should only allow them to watch experiments demonstrated by their teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  25. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people now believe that animals should enjoy similar rights to human beings and be respected as humans are. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  26. Some think robots can replace people for many types of work in the future, while others believe that robots will never be smarter or more useful than humans. Which do you prefer? Use specific examples and details to support your answer.
  27. When the professor is considering assigning research to the students, they should assign a specific research topic or let students decide the research topic?
  28. Describe some significant features of a restaurant or cafe that you like.
  29. If you are going to choose a roommate, which of the following qualities is the most important to you: a) Cleanness b) Friendliness c) Quietness.
  30. Do you agree or disagree: People who spend more than an hour a day on social media are less happy than those who spend less time on social media.

Чек-лист для самопроверки


  • I have fully answered the question.
  • I have only spoken only about the topic.
  • My ideas are fully developed and the relationships between them are clear.
  • Each idea includes enough details or specific examples from my experience.
  • I have used 2-3 coherent devices, e.g. so, because, I believe, the first reason is that.
  • I have used the time effectively.


  • I have spoken in a calm, clear, and natural manner. I haven’t spoken too fast, too slow or too quiet. 
  • I haven’t paused too often. 
  • I used pauses and intonation to mark my transitions.
  • My pronunciation and intonation allow TOEFL raters to easily understand me.


  • I have no major mistakes.
  • I have used complex grammar structures.
  • I have used words correctly.
  • I have used advanced vocabulary.
  • I have used a mix of sentence structures.

Если у тебя меньше месяца на подготовку к экзамену, обязательно посмотри видео от Марины Могилко.