Find out what previous students are saying!

Inezita Lopez Spain ★★★★★
Such an amazing school...I learn so much, the classes are perfect and the teachers the best.Thank you so much for take care of me and treat me like a member of this amazing family.It was a pleasure to meet all the incredibles persons that CLA has in LA.A big hug for everyone, and I'm sure that I'll come back to visit CLA soon, so soon :), more that everyone expect haha.Thanks and I love you guys :)

Yuki Kuwabara Japan ★★★★★
First of all, thank you very much for having me!! Every moment there was amazing and fantastic! I chose this school simply because the number of students is small, which means that we can ask great teachers a bunch of questions and participate to our hearts content. I think doing conversation in English is a best way to improve our skill to talk/think in English. So, my suggestion is to get involved in this school, no worries, the staff here and teachers are very considerate, so don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have and talk whatever you want!! There is a will, there is a way!! Good luck!

Ksenia Belarus ★★★★★
Excellent school!!! Thanks to the team Linguatrip for advice to choose this school and help with the booking. Everything was great! Teachers really took me as their part of family. With some teachers, we went to the beach after classes. I met cool guys from Chile, Switzerland, Turkey, Italy. We became friends and we were the most active and fun group in the school. Near the school CLA there are cafes, restaurants, shops and other attractions. I improved my English fast from 0 to talk. Everywhere I've been speaking in English, even in small shops, asking the sellers how they are doing :) The main advise is not to be afraid to talk. People everywhere are insanely friendly, sympathetic. You can choose in school the activities for all tasted. There were also talent evenings, where the students showed their skills and learned the culture of other people. It was very cool! Thanks to this school and again to the Linguatrip team!

Raíza Gavanski Brazil ★★★★★
Studying at CLA was the best experience for me.. everyone was so friendly and helped me to improve my English! I hope to return to Los Angeles soon, and spend some time with my friends who I did there! I missed classes and teachers that make everyone feel like family!

Gianna Ambrosano Switzerland ★★★★★
All of the teachers and everyone that works at CLA were so welcoming and I've met so many good friends since my first day here.

Nina Portugal ★★★★★
Studying English in FLS was a fantastic experience for me, because at the same time that you're learning, you can meet people from different parts of the world — that's really amazing!

Mia Czech Republic ★★★★★
I like FLS so much! It's an awesome place to learn English and have fun.

Daniela Spain ★★★★★
FLS is a school that helped me to learn English and meet lots of people from differents cultures. I recommend it.

Alla Russia ★★★★★
The host family was wonderful. Very nice people and comfortable accommodation. I was 100% satisfied with it. The school offered various after-class activities and excursions. Of course, two weeks were not enough to achieve a higher level of English. But I also wanted to explore Boston, so I combined studying with tourism. The course and the teachers were just amazing! The school was awesome! Now I’m your regular customer :)

Участвовала в нескольких интенсивах, но интенсивы по TOEFL и IELTS, которая вела Анастасия, были самыми информативными, полезными и структурированными ! Много раз говорила и хочу еще раз сказать Анастасии большое спасибо, не только за то ЧТО она рассказывает и какими знаниями делится, но и за то КАК она это делает. Настолько приятная, наполненная, конструктивная и грамотная речь. Вся информация структурирована, лекции подготовленные, четкие ответы на все вопросы участников как во время интенсива, так и чате. Впечатление от Анастасии как от человека и как от профессионала чрезвычайно приятные! Для себя я поняла, что буду участвовать в интенсивах, которые ведет Настя по максимуму, она действительно феноменальный преподаватель, обладающий огромными знаниями и умеющий их преподносить своим ученикам, особенно для тех, кто уже имеет хороший уровень языка, но хочет развивать и улучшать свой язык! Еще раз большое спасибо и побольше интенсивов и видео от Насти!