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Learn Spanish in Spain

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    Useful tips and interesting facts

    Fancy learning Spanish in Spain? Here’s what you need to know: types of language courses, schools and important things to remember before going abroad.

    What other place to study Spanish can come to mind first, if not the birthplace of the language? Spain is perfect to learn Castilian Spanish, the standard for radio and TV presenters (like RP in English). Here you’ll indulge in Spanish literature and films, as well as see the unique cultural tapestry of European, Mediterranean, and North African influences. prepared for you a snapshot of language courses available in Spain.

    • Types of language courses in Spain

      Spanish language schools offer a range of courses varying in length, intensity, specialization and cost. No matter what program you’ll choose, each can be studied in group or individually.

      General Spanish. This is an all-in-one course designed to teach students the correct pronunciation, obtain essential grammar skills and expand their vocabulary. General Spanish is taught to students with any language background and any age. Take a look at some well-reputed schools providing the course: Academia Contacto Madrid, Linguaschools Barcelona, Espanole International House Valencia.

      Intensive and Super Intensive courses. The two programmes differ in length and in intensity of studies, obviously. Go for one of these courses if you need to build up your skills in different language aspects quickly. Of course, due to time restrictions, the program won’t give you deep knowledge of the language, but will definitely help to build confidence and improve fluency through daily practice, dialogues, role-plays, guided conversation, reading, listening-comprehension and grammar tests. Here are some examples of Intensive and Super Intensive Spanish courses: Don Quijote Valencia, Academia Contacto Madrid, EUREKA school of the Spanish language.

      DELE preparation. If you pursue a career in Spain or simply want to have an official acknowledgement of your Spanish proficiency, it’s advisable to take a Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language exam (DELE). In order to prepare for DELE, take a course in one of Spanish language schools (e.g., Academia Contacto Alicante, Don Quijote Valencia). The course is fairly intensive (about 30 lessons per week) and allows you to dig deep into the four language areas: Grammar, Reading, Speaking and Writing.

    • What else to consider before the trip

      There is a number of important things you need to consider before embarking on a language trip to Spain:

      Visa. It should be thought of in advance, because the terms of issue are different in different countries. If you apply for a visa for the first time, better consult a visa manager how to fill up the form, collect and translate all the documents and register for an appointment at the consulate.

      Accommodation. Three options are available: stay with a host family, live in a school residences or find lodging independently. If you want to quickly adapt to living abroad and start practicing Spanish for casual conversations, choose a school residence or a host family. School residences are fairly cheap and perfect if you are a party person. The last option is the most expensive, but the most private.

      Money. It’s cheaper to change your local money for euros before the departure. Don’t forget to take some money for excursions and entry tickets to museums or theaters. Cultural breaks between classes will give you energy boost.

      Local SIM-card. All the schools will provide you with high-speed Internet connection, but you may not always have it outside the classroom. So, it’s better to buy a local SIM-card to stay connected at all times.


    Donde hay gana, hay maña. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. If you are determined to study the second world’s most widely spoken language, welcome to Spanish language schools. There, you’ll find the course that will be both useful and enjoyable. If haven’t yet decided what school or course to choose, contact team. We will be happy to answer all you questions and help you with the choice.

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