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  • Online Education·
  • Course for A2-B1

Course with Venya Pak and Marina Mogilko

From Elementary to Intermediate

7 weeks to build a solid foundation and get to the Intermediate level.

Start date

March 27




starts at 98 $

We made our best course even better, and more than 10,000 people have already taken it! You can join the marathon as a regular course or in challenge mode.

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and finally learn English?

What's in the course

A Clear System

Get your shaky English up and running and become confident in your knowledge.

Strong English base

You'll feel confident in what you learn and won’t feel like you need to relearn everything in the future.

Everyday words

Learn the words you need and real-life examples, no old-fashioned stuff.

Enjoyable English grammar

You’ll practice grammar in a fun and practical way.


Valentin Aliferov

Intensive lessons with Venya were memorable for me because I received only relevant, current information on the topic. Everything was explained with real-life examples, in simple terms, and with humor. :-) Furthermore, I was pleased with the technical and organizational sides, including webinars, chats, and reminders. Everything was clear, modern, and tasteful. I’m looking forward to the next intensives!

Elizaveta Cherepanova

Venya is a very good teacher. He always smiles and jokes. And when the mood is good, I’ve noticed it’s much easier to study. When explaining the material, Venya usually gives such vibrant--I would even say "flashy"--examples that stick in your memory very well. I also liked that Venya communicates with everyone as if they were long-familiar friends. This vibe is very comfortable. That would be great to talk face-to-face! I have done only one intensive grammar course so far. It was rather short but capacious. It may seem a bit complicated if you’re a complete beginner. But those who know the grammar will still find something interesting in the course. And it won’t necessarily be related to the grammar :-) It is more important that there be instant communication with the teacher, a resident of the United States. He is immersed in the language environment and knows all the life situations first hand. It was very useful that he repeated and reinforced many rules and topics. To all those who are still thinking about it, I recommend trying at least one intensive course. That way, you’ll see how the process is organized and how Venya is in action. He’s so cool!

Alina Rozova

My first intensive workshop with Venya left the most positive impression on me! Everything is very accessible and understandable. The knowledge that I once had was extended and put into the system. And what’s important in my opinion: the intensive course is easy and fun, unlike the lessons with a tutor in school in the past. To sum up, I can say that this is not my last intensive course, and Venya is a very talented teacher. Everything is great, keep it up!

Elizabeth Korobeinikova

Intensive courses seriously helped me in learning English. First of all, I would like to say a big thanks to LinguaTrip for organizing everything and to Venya for the excellent presentation of information. I liked everything! The classes were so informative and interesting. Homework helped consolidate information, and I liked the tests and speaking tasks very much. I highly recommend enrolling in at least one intensive course. You will understand everything by yourself. For me, this is not the last intensive workshop because it is the best way to learn English I’ve seen so far. I highly recommend enrolling in at least one intensive workshop, and you will understand everything by yourself. Personally for me, this is not the last intensive workshop, for now it is the best way to learn English.

Juliana Glukhova

When I receive a notification that there is a new video on Marina’s YouTube channel, I go to watch it straight away. I enjoy learning English with Marina’s videos, as there is always something to note down and then to use in practice when communicating with people from other countries. Lessons with tips and tricks from Marina help me boost my pronunciation. I actually do go to the mirror and practice until I manage to make the right sounds. This leads to an understanding of language and not simply memorizing words and phrases. I’ve even started to think in English! Videos are always well-structured: there is an introduction, key points, and examples. I like this approach. Marina includes only the important bits and no filler.

Kristina Belaya

I discovered Marina’s channel over a year ago when I started seriously researching the topic of moving to the USA. She had a lot of videos on this topic, as well as numerous interesting English lessons. Since watching the first video, I can’t stop. I’ve been learning English for a long time but didn’t have enough time to attend offline courses. But Marina is a perfect teacher for me. In her videos, she briefly but comprehensively explains the theme. In 15-20 minutes you learn everything you need to know. Also, Marina uses real-life examples and it makes her lessons more relevant. She combines useful information with interesting stories and it makes classes more exciting. Her videos are a few minutes of English learning every day, even for those who have no spare time.


Hi. I want to say a big thank you for the course.

There's a lot of useful information presented in a simple way. All points with articles and verbs have become clear, including the "be" verb. The most important thing for me is that I didn't give up studying, I kept moving forward, and I became interested in learning the language better.

I'm trying to teach myself not to make mistakes and read my favorite books in the original language. I noticed that it's no longer scary to try forming sentences, even though sometimes I still make mistakes, but fear has gone away.❤️

The challenge marathon is a course with a ranking system where all students are divided into pairs. Those who complete all the tasks rise to the top, quickly improve their English, and win prizes. The course goes on for 7 weeks straight – no breaks. We know you can do it!

The coolest thing about the course is the special way you do homework on your own and with your buddy. Our homework tasks are designed to put what you’re learning into practice and help you speak stress-free. Turn English into a useful skill!

Join the challenge, get better at English, and win prizes from LinguaTrip

Individual consultation with Venya Pak

Pronunciation private lesson with native

Two intensives of your choice

60% discount on any marathon

Subscription to the Lingua Speaking Club PRO for 3 months

All challenge participants who successfully complete the marathon will receive one of our handbooks as a gift!

Teams ranked from 6 to 10 will get a $50 discount for any LinguaTrip course.

How it works:


We'll form teams with participants and find you the perfect partner — someone who is around the same age, has similar interests, and lives in the same time zone.

Scoring system

Mentors will check your homework and award points. The points will be added to your team total. All assignment points will be added up at the end.

Prizes from LinguaTrip

Each team will have a chance to win cool prizes. The more points you get, the higher your team's score and the better chance you have to win prizes!

Having fun and staying motivated

We have found that students enjoy working with a partner. It helps keep them on track as they rise to the challenge in an enjoyable way — together!

The main goal of this course is to learn new things really well and reach the Intermediate level. The marathon is like a fun challenge (STANDARD and PRO packages), where prizes are like extra nice surprises to keep you excited about English.

Learn and get chances to win cool stuff – doesn't that sound awesome? .

The course is perfect for those who…

  • want to start learning English in the right way and remember it for a long time.

  • feel lost with basic grammar and need a helping hand to guide them.

  • struggle to overcome the language barrier and have not seen much progress in their studies.

  • are planning to take language exams in the future.

Сourse Instructors

• About Marina Mogilko

  • Marina has passed multiple language exams with high scores: 117 out of 120 on TOEFL and 700 out of 800 on the GMAT.
  • She was consequently accepted into MBA programs at five American universities.
  • Marina now lives in Silicon Valley, where she runs, as well as three YouTube channels with more than 8 million subscribers.

• About Venya Pak

  • Venya is the author of various English guides: "English like a Boss" , "10 Laws of Perfect English", and "Tenses".
  • He has also developed his own language-learning system.
  • He lives in the U.S. and communicates with native English speakers on a daily basis.
  • Venya also has his own YouTube channel, VenyaPakTV, which already has more than 700,000 subscribers.

Each participant of the course will have the opportunity to take part in a personal challenge: to complete tasks, to improve progress, and to win an individual consultation with Venya Pak!

Course Features

30 lessons and livestreams

Lessons open every other day, recordings are available anytime, anywhere. There are also live streams for answering questions and having discussions.


Access - 3 months from the marathon start date.


You will get homework from Venya after each lesson. This will help you learn the material better. You will also have additional writing tasks.


Additional tasks are checked by a tutor in the STANDARD and PRO packages only.

Rating system

To get to the top of the leaderboard and win the ultimate prize, you need to complete all individual and team homework on time. The homework will be interesting, on hot topics, and will allow you to quickly improve all your skills.


STANDARD and PRO packages only.

Certificate and Discount

All participants who pass the final test will receive a certificate that you can add to your resume and use for obtaining a student visa. You'll also get a $30 discount on any intensive course.

Prize drawing

The best get everything! Winners will be able to boost all their English skills, move to the Intermediate level, and win cool prizes from the LinguaTrip team. Are you with us?


STANDARD and PRO packages only.

Personal Advice

Want more feedback? Gain access to a personal chat with a mentor. In this chat, the mentor checks homework and answers questions about the marathon.


STANDARD and PRO packages only.

Course content

  • Week #1

  • Week #2

  • Week #3

  • Week #4

  • Week #5

  • Week #6

  • Week #7

Week #1

March 27

Lesson 1 | How to study

Some pieces of advice, resources, and life hacks

March 27

Lesson 2 | What to do if the situation is unclear

They still do not understand me! SOS!

March 28

Introductory stream

with Venya Pak

March 29

Lesson 3 | Verbs TO HAVE and TO BE

Let’s take a closer look at these two important verbs

March 31

Lesson 4 | Articles

Where, when, and why?

April 2

Lesson 5 | Rules of vowel reading

Not as easy as it seems

April 2

Lesson 6 | Rules of consonant reading

Pronunciation secrets of native speakers

Week #2

April 4

Lesson 7 | New vocabulary

Name friends, family, character, and personality

April 6

Lesson 8 | How to describe an appearance

What are the things you do besides learning English?

April 8

Lesson 9 | Present Simple

It’s very present and very simple

April 8

Lesson 10 | Everyday life

Describe your typical day (going to bed at 3 am, and waking up at 7 am, right?)

April 10

Lesson 11 | Present Progressive

Let’s talk about the present and…the future

Week #3

April 12

Lesson 12 | Hobbies and sports

What are the things you do besides learning English?

April 14

Lesson 13 | What is a "There is"?

Count milk, girls, and bananas

April 16

Lesson 14 | Word order in a sentence

Put those words in the correct order

April 18

Lesson 15 | Future Simple, To Be Going To

Share your future plans for conquering the world

April 20

Lesson 16 | Past Simple

Tell us how you conquered the world yesterday

April 22

Lesson 17 | Past Progressive

Were you washing the dishes all night? Good thing that’s over

April 24

Lesson 18 | Present Perfect

We’ve just finished learning all the tenses in this marathon!

April 24

Middle stream

with Venya Pak

April 26

Lesson 19 | Let's go to the mall

Vocabulary for American shopping

Week #5

April 28

Lesson 20 | Modal verbs

Meet MAY, MUST, CAN and their friends.

April 30

Lesson 21 | One cup of tea, please

How to order food and tip a waiter

May 2

Lesson 22 | Prepositions of place

When to use AT, ON, and IN.

May 4

Lesson 23 | Prepositions of time

AT, ON, IN… these again? Let’s sort them out.

Week #6

May 6

Lesson 24 | Phrasal verbs

Verb + preposition = surprise!

May 8

Lesson 25 | The comparison of adjectives

What is good and what’s better?

May 10

Lesson 26 | Used to/get used to/be used to

What was then is gone now.

May 10

Lesson 27 | Language barrier

Climb over it with our proven techniques

May 12

Lesson 28 | Conditionals

Zero or first? What are the conditions?

Week #7

May 14

Lesson 29 | Passive voice

Stop being passive about it.

May 16

Lesson 30 | Final Lesson

Summing up, praising ourselves, and writing down some tips.

May 17

Final live stream

If you get sick, go on vacation, or something else happens, don't worry - you can freeze your access to video lessons for two weeks. That way, you won't stress about the deadlines. Take a short break and come back to lessons when you're ready.

Packages and Prices

  • Reserve your spot

    in the course

  • course +

    Lingua Speaking Club Pro


  • 3-month access to classes

  • 30 pre-recorded lessons in 7 weeks

  • Homework

  • 3-month access to Venya's monthly Q&A broadcasts

  • Discount for online intensives

  • Certificate

  • Habit Tracker

  • The option of freezing access for 2 weeks





  • Everything in BASIC

  • Lecture notes

  • Homework checked by mentors

  • Access to a group chat with mentors

  • Challenge and lottery with amazing prizes from LinguaTrip

  • Additional homework with your buddy






  • Everything in STANDARD

  • 4 private lessons with a teacher





Reserve your spot

Start date

March 27




starts at $98

Reserve your spot for the online course "From Elementary to Intermediate"

How to participate:

  1. 1Reserve your spot
  2. 2Make the payment
  3. 3Get access to the lectures via email


  • I see that the lessons are pre-recorded. How does that work?
  • When are the live streams and how do I access them?
  • Where do I find pre-recorded lessons?
  • And what about homework?
  • It says that there are lecture summaries. Can I download them straight away after each lesson?
  • How can I freeze access to the course?
  • I want $30 discount for an intensive course from How can I get it?
  • I want a refund. Is that possible?
  • I want to win prizes! What do I need to do?

If you have any questions, email us at

We reply from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m Moscow time only on weekdays

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