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Learn English in New York, United States

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Useful tips and interesting facts

All about English courses in New York for foreigners — how to go and to choose a language school or long-term program. 

Times Square, the Met, Friends. These are just a few associations that come to your mind when you think of New York. is sure that excellent New York schools of the English language are no less important reasons to visit the city that never sleeps.

  • Types of New York language courses

    New York is among top destinations for English learners to study the language. Local schools offer a wide range of courses that suit students with different language backgrounds and purposes.

    Courses for kids

    Junior language programs are open in summer and are aimed at students aged from 11-12 to 18 years. The syllabus combines English lessons in the morning with an exciting cultural and activity programme in the afternoon and evening. Besides, such courses usually provide accommodation in the campus with 24-hour security.

    Here are some examples of junior language programs in New York: St Giles Summer Camp and Summer camp based at Fordham University.

    Courses for adults

    New York schools, such as Kaplan International English, EC New York, Brooklyn School of Languages and other, offer General, Business, Intensive English and TOEFL preparation courses.

    General English courses have a balanced program of lessons in a group with a teacher, conversational clubs and self-study. This course allows students to improve any level of English at a comfortable pace, leaving enough time for communication and a cultural program. Examples of schools: Kaplan International English, EC New York, Brooklyn School of Languages.

    Business English courses are designed for developing language skills and effective communication in business circles, increasing the chances of employment and further expanding students’ career prospects in their home country. Here students are taught the basics of marketing, finance and business negotiations in English. Required English proficiency level is B2 and beyond.

    Intensive English course will make you speak the language within a very limited time. You will quickly be able to keep the ball rolling during a conversation with English speakers. You can study as long as you think fit, and this will certainly expand your opportunities in future academic and professional activities.

    TOEFL preparation courses teach students the test delivery strategies and improve their academic language skills required for success in the exam. The course includes the necessary TOEFL practice of reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as online training simulations that correspond to the actual TOEFL.

    Family programs

    If you want to study English as a family, New York language schools will eagerly provide this opportunity. The Family Course programme allows families to experience and enjoy New York together during summer vacations. Parents can study English in the mornings at the year-round adult school, whilst the children study in modern classrooms within walking distance.

  • What else

    Before going to another country as a language tourist take care of your visa, accommodation, money and a local SIM-card.

    Visa. It should be thought of in advance because the terms of issue are different in different countries. Consult our visa manager if you have difficulties in arranging everything for your visa. We’ll help you to fill up the form, collect and translate all the documents and register for an appointment at the consulate.

    Accommodation. Three options are available: stay with a host family, live in a school residence or find lodging independently. If you want to quickly adapt to living abroad and start practicing English for casual conversations, choose a host family or a school residence. School residences are fairly cheap and perfect if you are a party person. The last option is the most expensive, but the most private.

    Money. It’s cheaper to change your local money for euros before the departure. Don’t forget to take some money for excursions and entry tickets to museums or theaters. Cultural breaks between classes will give you energy boost.

    Local SIM-card. All the schools will provide you with a high-speed Internet connection, but you may not always have it outside the classroom. So, it’s better to buy a local SIM-card to stay connected at all times.


Whatever the reason for studying English, it’s better to do it in the country, where the language is the mother tongue for millions of people. New York is ready to surprise you with the variety of opportunities for studying and practicing the language.

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