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41000.96 $for 52 weeks


41000.96 $

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BS Media Arts
  • BS Media Arts
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for 52 weeks
  • for 52 weeks


0 $

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Simmons University

Simmons University в Бостоне занимает 125 место в мировом рейтинге университетов и находится в Бостоне - главном студенческом городе США

Simmons - женский университет, классическое американское образование, которое получила, например, Хилари Клинтон или Мэрил Стрип. Выпускники работают в Walt Disney, Procter & Gamble, TripAdvisor, Dell. Более 20% женщин в политике и 30% в бизнесе закончили именно женские университеты.

После школы можно поступить на одну из 60 программ бакалавриата по самым ключевым направлениям. Обучение длится 4 года, предметы можно выбирать, общий фокус на личностное развитие, ораторство, логику и лидерские качества. 96% выпускников находят высокооплачиваемую работу в течение полугода по окончании университета.

Language courses

BS Media Arts
  • 17+ years old
  • 14 students per class
  • lesson 60 minutes

You'll explore the art and science of communicating across multiple media — including drawing, video, animation, digital imaging, web, photography, and radio — and gain confidence in your own vision. And you'll do it in Boston, with close proximity to the MFA, the ICA and numerous other world-class art museums and galleries.

Work on projects for local, non-profit clients with a team of your peers in our communications workplace, Studio 5, or tackle creative opportunities like working on Commtracks, our award winning senior magazine. You'll hone your advanced aesthetic abilities and apply them to real-world projects. Our students develop a keen understanding of all communications disciplines, from graphic design to journalism, making them instrumental to any creative workplace.

Boston ranks in the top 5 US media markets. You'll have countless exciting and rigorous internship and career opportunities at your finger tips. Students go on to jobs in television, multimedia, web and video production.

41000.96 $for 52 weeks


Usually check in two days before the start of the course, and check out on the day of graduation. You can change the dates in your account.

The school must confirm the availability of your chosen accommodation.

If the selected housing is not available for your dates, the school will offer another accommodation option for you to consider.

I don't need housing


School address:

300 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115,, Boston


Reviews 0

Course and housing ✓Your detailsDepositGet ready to travel

What you need to book a course

Pay a deposit to reserve your spot


You have three days to cancel your booking with no fees if case you change your mind.

You have until 19/01/2025 to pay the remaining balance


Full cost of the course after prepayment deduction must be paid no later than four weeks before the start of the course.

Why book with LINGUATRIP.COM
  • Best price guarantee
  • Personal assistance throughout preparation and travel
  • Free booking cancellation within 3 days
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