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I have completed a week of German language course at Inlingua Munich....
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5035 por 2 semanas



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CIP (Crash Intensity Program)
  • CIP (Crash Intensity Program)
  • Examination Course ‘TESTDAF’ C1
  • Intensive German course 20/26 lessons
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  • No reserves alojamiento
  • Homestay
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Breakfast only
  • Breakfast only
  • Half board
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Tasa de registro escolar


Total debido ahora


5 de 5

inlingua Munich

inlingua Munich offers general and specialized language training programs in German and other language.

Why inlingua Munich?

• We have more than 100 years’ experience.

• Even though our school has over 40 classrooms, there is a very familiar atmosphere as it has been run by the same family for several years.

• Our multilingual staff is very experienced.

• We offer a wide range of courses (year-round intensive courses from level A1 to C1, one-to-one tuition, exam preparation courses, our special programme “inlingua City Hopping Berlin & Munich“…).

• Our language courses take place in our state-of-the-art facilities with more than 40 classrooms, a cafeteria and a sunny courtyard.

• We offer an in-house library with free WIFI.

• Students can take part in 4 to 5 leisure time activities per week.

• Thanks to the school’s very central location, there are excellent public transport connections.

Our facilities

• Located in the center of Munich

• Modern building

• 48 classrooms

• Library with self-study/Internet access

• Free WiFi

• Cafeteria

• Sunny inner courtyard

Cursos de idiomas

CIP (Crash Intensity Program)
  • 16+ años
  • 12 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 45 minutos

The CIP course structure ensures intense study of a language. This program is flexible insofar as the amount of class hours per day (between 2 and 6 hours a day) from Monday to Friday. The end result is that the student can reach fluency after a relatively short time. CIP courses begin every Monday of the month.

4550 por 2 semanas
Examination Course ‘TESTDAF’ C1
  • 16+ años
  • 12 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 45 minutos

Special preparatory course for the internationally recognized certificate ‘TestDaF’.

The course is ideal for learners who want to study in Germany.

3850 por 2 semanas
Intensive German course 20/26 lessons
  • 16+ años
  • 12 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 45 minutos

The quality of learning depends on the frequency of individual participation during the lessons. This is why Inlingua recommends having small groups with a limited number of students (max. 8). Group work is fun and stimulating, suitable for whoever wishes to share and assimilate the learning experiences of their classmates.

Duración mínima del curso — 4 semanas
No disponible


Como regla general, se registra dos días antes del comienzo del curso y se va el día de la graduación. Puedes cambiar las fechas en tu cuenta.

La escuela debe confirmar la disponibilidad del alojamiento elegido.

Si el alojamiento elegido no está disponible en tus fechas, la escuela te ofrecerá otra opción del alojamiento.

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no reserves alojamiento

+ 2
  • de 16 añosde 16 años
  • ~30 minutos a pie~30 minutos a pie
  • Breakfast only/half boardBreakfast only/half board

Our private lodging is intended for participants over the age of 16 who in addition to their language training, would also like to have the opportunity to learn more about life in Germany outside of the classroom. All of our hosts are carefully chosen and interviewed so that our students feel comfortable in a friendly atmosphere. All hosts are easily reached by public transport and live no more than 45 minutes from the school.

We have been working with many of our private lodging hosts for years.



460 por 13 días


No reservar

  • 165 



La direción de la escuela:

Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 6, 80336 München, Munich


Reseñas 7

Puntuación total

5 de 5

Tiempo libre


¡He aprendido mucho en esta escuela! Muchas gracias.


¡Ya terminé mi curso! Me alegro mucho.

Curso y alojamiento ✓Datos personalesDepositoPrepárate para el viaje

Lo que se necesita para reservar un curso

Pague un depósito para reservar su plaza


Tienes tres días para cancelar tu reserva de forma gratuita si cambias de opinión.

Tienes hasta 29/07/2024 para pagar el resto de dinero


El precio total del curso después de la deducción del anticipo debe pagarse no más tarde de cuatro semanas antes del inicio del curso.

  • La garantia del mejor precio
  • Asistencia personal durante la preparación y el viaje
  • Cancelación de reserva gratuita durante 3 días
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