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I feel so good about my choice for studying at Kaplan. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was! I...
Todas las reseñas



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15635 $por 20 semanas


8000 $

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Academic Semester
  • Academic Semester
  • Academic Year
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por 20 semanas
  • por 20 semanas
  • por 21 semana
  • por 22 semanas
  • por 23 semanas
  • por 24 semanas


7345 $

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Homestay Accommodation 18+
  • No reserves alojamiento
  • Homestay Accommodation 18+
  • Homestay Accommodation 18+ Room for 2
  • The Flats Student Residence
  • Homestay Accommodation 16-17
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Half board
  • Half board
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Tasa de registro escolar

290 $

Total debido ahora


5 de 5

Kaplan International English - Chicago

The school in the heart of Chicago is an ideal place to learn English.

Come to Kaplan International English - Chicago to English courses and immerse yourself in the bubbling life of this "city of winds"! The school is well equipped with modern equipment and training programs, and also provides a wide choice of English courses, exam preparation, including TOEFL, GMAT and GRE.

School of Kaplan International English - Chicago is a short walk from the sandy coast of Lake Michigan and has two residences for living.

Christmas holidays: 20-29 Dec

Holidays 2022: 17 Jan, 30 May, 20 Jun, 4 Jul, 5 Sep, 24 Nov, 25 Nov, 26-27 Dec

Cursos de idiomas

Academic Semester
  • 16+ años
  • 15 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 45 minutos

6-5 month English Academic Semester course aims to get you from your current level of English up to a very high level of fluency.

Immerse yourself in the English language and spend a semester studying, getting to know a new location and culture. The course is an effective way to increase your fluency, and you will be helped by our exclusive and specially produced study materials.

8000 $por 20 semanas
Academic Year
  • 16+ años
  • 12 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 45 minutos

English Academic Year courses are nine-month English courses that aim to take you from your current level of English up to a very high level of fluency.

Immerse yourself in the English language, and spend a year studying and getting to know a new location and culture. The course is an effective way to increase your fluency, and you will be helped by exclusive and specially designed study materials.

Course length:

9 months (32 weeks of tuition and 2-3 weeks break)

Course structure:

- 20 lessons (15 hours) of General English: focus on the four main aspects of language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking;

- 7 sessions (5.25 hours) of K+ tools, K+eXtra and K+ clubs: Self-study time with access to exclusive materials and resources along with personalized sessions for you study the areas you most need help with, including exam techniques and study group work.

Duración mínima del curso — 32 semanas
No disponible


Como regla general, se registra dos días antes del comienzo del curso y se va el día de la graduación. Puedes cambiar las fechas en tu cuenta.

La escuela debe confirmar la disponibilidad del alojamiento elegido.

Si el alojamiento elegido no está disponible en tus fechas, la escuela te ofrecerá otra opción del alojamiento.

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no reserves alojamiento

+ 5
Homestay Accommodation 18+
  • de 18 añosde 18 años
  • ~40 minutos En trasporte~40 minutos En trasporte
  • Half boardHalf board

Ideal for students who want to fully immerse themselves in the English-speaking environment, like a family atmosphere and homemade dishes. You can learn about the culture and traditions of the local population, as well as practice conversational English before and after the lessons.

Check-in: Saturday / Sunday, check-out: Saturday.



7345 $por 139 días
+ 4
Homestay Accommodation 18+ Room for 2
  • de 18 añosde 18 años
  • ~40 minutos En trasporte~40 minutos En trasporte
  • Half boardHalf board

Ideal for students who want to fully immerse themselves in the English-speaking environment, like a family atmosphere and homemade dishes. You can learn about the culture and traditions of the local population, as well as practice conversational English before and after the lessons.

Check-in: Saturday / Sunday, check-out: Saturday.

6045 $por 139 días
+ 3
The Flats Student Residence
  • de 18 añosde 18 años
  • ~35 minutos En trasporte~35 minutos En trasporte
  • No mealsNo meals

The Flats Student Residence offers free wireless internet service throughout the entire building, cable in each apartment, fitness centers, full-size basketball court, free laundry facilities, access to computers, and community lounge areas with comfortable seating. There is a 24-hour Front Desk and all residents are issued an access card for entry to the residential floors.

Student halls, 3-bedroom apartment, single/twin rooms, shared bathrooms, private kithcnen, lounge/common area, study area, free gym.

8245 $por 139 días


No reservar

  • 215 $



La direción de la escuela:

444 North Michigan Avenue, Mezzanine Level, Chicago, IL 60611 United States, Chicago

Reseñas 11

Puntuación total

5 de 5

Tiempo libre




Francamente, no estoy emocionada por la escuela, porque no he aprendido nada nuevo para mí. A nuestro profesor le gusta hablar toda la clase sobre algunas historias de su vida. Teníamos un programa de entretenimiento solo una vez en dos semanas. Hicimos una excursión en barco.



¡Es un gran lugar para estudiantes internacionales que desean comenzar a hablar con fluidez y conocer a diferentes personas de todo el mundo!

Curso y alojamiento ✓Datos personalesDepositoPrepárate para el viaje

Lo que se necesita para reservar un curso

Pague un depósito para reservar su plaza


Tienes tres días para cancelar tu reserva de forma gratuita si cambias de opinión.

Tienes hasta 10/02/2025 para pagar el resto de dinero


El precio total del curso después de la deducción del anticipo debe pagarse no más tarde de cuatro semanas antes del inicio del curso.

  • La garantia del mejor precio
  • Asistencia personal durante la preparación y el viaje
  • Cancelación de reserva gratuita durante 3 días
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