If you’ve just started learning, this article is for you! We made a list of important grammar topics to help you learn English all by yourself at a basic level.
What can you do at the A2 level?
✅ Talk in simple ways when you’re in another country, like in a store or on a bus;
✅ Fill out forms or cards;
✅ Have short conversations;
✅ Read and write short things (like orders or social media posts).
What grammar topics should you study at the A2 level?
Present Simple
Use Present Simple is to talk about facts like saying where you live or things that often happen.
I love my job. Every time I come into work, I feel so ecstasy (Oprah Winfrey).
Present Continuous
People use this a lot when they talk. It’s for saying what’s happening right now.
– Can I help you?
– I’m just looking, thanks.
Past Simple
Use Past Simple for things that happened at a certain time in the past. Learn how to do this for regular and irregular verbs.
I kissed a girl and I liked it (Katy Perry’s song).
Imperative Mood
Remember when a teacher at school said, “Stand up, sit down?” That’s the imperative mood. It’s like asking someone to do something, requests, advice, invitations, commands, or prohibitions.
Bro, don’t look at me like that, bro. Come on (Cruella Movie).
There is / There are
Use this when you talk about where things are. Like saying something or someone is somewhere. Say “there is” for one thing, and “there are” for more than one.
There is no time to explain, get on the horse.
Would Like
“Would like” is super useful in casual talk or being polite. It helps ask for something nicely, like ordering at a restaurant or getting water. It’s a common phrase for when you’re traveling. Would you like some coffee?
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
There are three ways to compare adjectives: positive (beautiful, good), comparative (more beautiful, better), and superlative (most beautiful, best). Comparative degree helps to compare two things.
You can build a better company than he did (Inception Movie).
The superlative form shows your thing is better than anything else.
No, honey, soonest available three months from now, 6:00 AM.
Present Perfect
The Present Perfect tense talks about an action that started in the past (doesn’t matter when exactly) and finished by now, and importantly, has a result. It’s great for talking about your experiences and achievements.
I’ve never done that before!
Future tense (will, going to, present continuous)
There are a few ways to talk about the future. But for now, learn Future Simple and the “going to” way.
And I will always love you (Whitney Houston’s song).
You already know about Present Continuous, when something is happening now. Well, that can also be used for future plans you’re sure about.
Conditional Sentences: Zero and 1st Conditionals
Conditionals in English are divided into different types, each with its own rules. To feel comfortable with all conditional types, you’ll need lots of practice. But to begin with, study zero and 1st conditionals. Zero conditional is often used in instructions, guides, rules, and law descriptions.
If you know an answer, just raise your hand.
Use 1st conditional when talking about events that are possible in the future. Use a condition after “if” and then the result in the second part of the sentence.
If you study hard, you’ll pass your law exam.

Modal Verbs: can, must, should
Modal verbs are a special group of verbs. They help you talk about your abilities (can), forbid or command someone to do something (must), or give advice (should).
We can do it.
Follow the checklist and good luck with your studies!
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