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Sophia Ramirez
Best experience in my life, the teachers are amazing and very very helpful....
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2291 $por 2 semanas


936 $

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English Language TOEFL iBT Preparation
  • English Language TOEFL iBT Preparation
  • English Plus Business and Leadership
  • Compact Course
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2 Set 2024 — é um feriado na escola, as aulas não acontecem


1180 $

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Fisher College Residence
  • Não reservar alojamento
  • Fisher College Residence
  • Homestay
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Half board
  • Half board
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Taxa de matrícula da escola

175 $

Desconto Linguatrip

234 $

Valor da entrada


5 de 5

Kings Boston

World-known for its universities, Boston is the ultimate student city. Come to Kings Boston and you'll discover a rich history, a thriving cafe culture and a wealth of green areas.

Kings Boston is located on the campus of Fisher College, one of the most attractive colleges in the whole of New England. The school is located in downtown Boston. On campus, students benefit from city center, and newly refurbished teaching and accommodation blocks with a bright, modern feel.

Following a major refurbishment started in October 2012, students can enjoy fantastic new teaching facilities and modernised on-campus accommodation blocks of Kings Boston for Juniours.

Learning and sports facilities of Kings Boston:

- well-equipped, spacious classrooms;

- well-stocked libraries;

- free wireless internet within Kings Boston facilities;

- soccer pitches and softball fields;

- six outdoor tennis courts;

- cross-country trails (entirely on campus);

- fitness room with modern equipment;

- gymnasium for indoor sports including basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, dance and soccer.

Cursos de idiomas

English Language TOEFL iBT Preparation
  • 16+ anos de idade
  • 15 Alunos por sala
  • lição 45 minutos

1170 $936 $para 2 semanas
English Plus Business and Leadership
  • 16+ anos de idade
  • 12 Alunos por sala
  • lição 45 minutos

This course is for students who want to combine English with information on US entrepreneurial culture. The course includes lectures from local entrepreneurs and visits to local companies and universities.

In the mornings, students have lessons in General English, to improve the overall level of their English language. In the afternoons, they are part of a specialized entrepreneurship class.

Course may include trips to local small businesses or start-ups, college business programs and/or talks by local business people.

For example:

Babson College

Buzz Lab at BU

Entrepreneur clubs at other local colleges

Innovation and Design Building

Martin Trust Center at MIT

Tazo Chocolates, Johnny Cupcakes or other local start-ups

Duração mínima do curso — 4 semanas
Não disponível
Compact Course
  • 16+ anos de idade
  • 15 Alunos por sala
  • lição 45 minutos

The Vacation course is for students who want a flexible, great value summer course offering a combination of English language lessons and a program of optional sports and activities, including a weekly excursion.

What is included in the price:

- 20 lessons per week (15 hours);

- Welcome Information Pack;

- Placement test on arrival, weekly progress tests and regular homework;

- Kings Study File, teaching materials and use of coursebook;

- Use of Computer Learning Centre;

- Wireless internet in College;

- 2-3 free social activities per week;

- End-of-course certificate.

Available at additional cost:

One full-day excursion per week.

Beginners can start on first Monday of every month.

Duração mínima do curso — 3 semanas
Não disponível


Normalmente os estudantes chegam à residência um ou dois dias antes do início do curso e saem no último dia das aulas. As datas de chegada e de saída podem ser alteradas no seu gabinete.

A escola deve confirmar a disponibilidade do alojamento escolhido.

Se a acomodação selecionada não estiver disponível para as datas, a escola oferecerá outra opção de acomodação a ser considerada.

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Não preciso de acomodações

+ 6
Fisher College Residence
  • de 16 anosde 16 anos
  • ~10 minutos Caminhando~10 minutos Caminhando
  • Half boardHalf board

Boston student residence is situated on the campus of Fisher College in downtown Boston.

The residence offers good quality single and twin rooms with 6 students sharing a central bathroom area. There is also a common room on each floor.


- Shared bathroom area with one shower, 2 sinks and 1 toilet for every 6 students;

- 24-hour security staff;

- Bedding and towels provided weekly;

- Excellent cafeteria on-site with choice of hot and cold food;

- Communal areas cleaned once a week, students clean their own rooms;

- Free internet access;

- Student lounge with TV;

- Full self-service laundry facilities on site.

!Available: 12 May - 31 August 2024!



1180 $para 13 dias
+ 4
  • de 16 anosde 16 anos
  • ~30 minutos De transporte público~30 minutos De transporte público
  • Half boardHalf board

Included in the price:

- Comfortable, welcoming accommodation;

- Single rooms year-round (twin rooms are available during the summer only or when booking two people travelling together);

- Fully furnished room;

- Internet usage;

- One clothes wash per week;

- Bed linen provided;

- Breakfast and dinner every day.

Please note:

Bedding is provided but you should bring your own towels.

880 $para 13 dias


Não é requerido

  • 200 $



Endereço da escola:

111 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02116, USA, Boston


Comentários 7

Pontuação Total

5 de 5

Tempo livre







Curso e alojamento ✓Dados pessoaisDepósitoPrepare-se para viajar

O que você precisa para reservar um curso

O pagamento da entrada garante a reserva do seu lugar


Você pode cancelar a sua reserva sem pagar nenhuma taxa dentro do prazo de três dias.

O prazo para receber o pagamento integral é 29/07/2024


O valor total deve ser pago no máximo 4 semanas antes do início do curso.

  • Garantia de Melhor Preço
  • Assistência pessoal durante toda a preparação e viagem
  • Cancelamento de reserva grátis no prazo de 3 dias
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