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Devolvemos la llamada a la hora especificada, la llamada es gratuita

Organization of the entire program was at high level. The school itself employs teachers from differ...
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3240 $por 4 semanas


2795 $

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Intensive English
  • Intensive English
  • General English
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0 $

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  • No reserves alojamiento
  • Homestay
  • St. George ́s Beach Residence
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Half board
  • Half board
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Tasa de registro escolar

445 $

Total debido ahora


4.9 de 5

EF International Language Campus - English courses in Malta

Matricúlate en los cursos de inglés en Malta de EF y aprende inglés en esta paradisíaca isla del Mediterráneo

EF St Julian’s:

- Modern building located a 5-minute walk from the beach

- Short walk from restaurants, shops, bars and entertainment

- Newly renovated interior fitted with the latest multimedia technology

- Private EF Beach Club during the summer

- Course options for young professionals

- City center and public transportation just

a few minutes away on foot

- Shopping center just a one-minute walk

from the campus

Cursos de idiomas

Intensive English
  • 14+ años
  • 15 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 40 minutos

Make maximum progress during your stay abroad. Highly recommended for students who need to learn a language as quickly as possible for academic or professional reasons.

EF's highly structured syllabus, comprised of 32 morning and afternoon lessons a week (total tuition time of 21 hours and 20 minutes), will have you speaking and writing with confidence in the least amount of time.

The Intensive Course offers the maximum number of Special Interest Lessons, to ensure you successfully achieve your goals while studying abroad. Taught both in class and online, you can take SPIN Lessons focused on language skills, professional development, exam or university preparation or culture and arts.

2795 $por 4 semanas
General English
  • 14+ años
  • 15 estudiantes por clase
  • lección 40 minutos

This carefully composed course is designed to help you move up one course level of ability every six weeks. EF Malta’s General Course includes 26 morning and afternoon lessons taught both in the classroom and iLab – focused on communicating clearly in everyday language (total tuition time of 17 hours, 20 minutes). You’ll also benefit from 4 Special Interest Lessons, which focus your studies on the subjects you enjoy and help you reach your academic goals – whether it’s your destination’s culture or preparing for an official exam.

2875 $por 4 semanas


Como regla general, se registra dos días antes del comienzo del curso y se va el día de la graduación. Puedes cambiar las fechas en tu cuenta.

La escuela debe confirmar la disponibilidad del alojamiento elegido.

Si el alojamiento elegido no está disponible en tus fechas, la escuela te ofrecerá otra opción del alojamiento.

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Arrow down

no reserves alojamiento

+ 1
  • de 16 añosde 16 años
  • ~25 minutos a pie~25 minutos a pie
  • Half boardHalf board

Immerse yourself in the daily life of your new host country by living in a private local home. You’ll enrich your understanding of the culture, pick up expressions with greater ease and acquire a more authentic accent. Homestay hosts are conveniently located so that you can come and go as you please.



0 $por 27 días
+ 1
St. George ́s Beach Residence
  • de 18 añosde 18 años
  • ~20 minutos a pie~20 minutos a pie
  • No mealsNo meals

Live in the heart of your destination city alongside EF students from over 100 countries. Enjoy easy access to your school by public transportation – as well as the city’s shopping, restaurants and sport facilities. Residences vary, but often offer Wi-Fi internet access, meal plans and more.

640 $por 27 días


No reservar

  • 25 $



La direción de la escuela:

Triq Santu Wistin St. Julian’s, STJ 3312, Malta, St. Julian's

STJ 3312

Reseñas 17

Puntuación total

4.9 de 5

Tiempo libre






Curso y alojamiento ✓Datos personalesDepositoPrepárate para el viaje

Lo que se necesita para reservar un curso

Pague un depósito para reservar su plaza


Tienes tres días para cancelar tu reserva de forma gratuita si cambias de opinión.

Tienes hasta 29/07/2024 para pagar el resto de dinero


El precio total del curso después de la deducción del anticipo debe pagarse no más tarde de cuatro semanas antes del inicio del curso.

  • La garantia del mejor precio
  • Asistencia personal durante la preparación y el viaje
  • Cancelación de reserva gratuita durante 3 días
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